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Amazing Encounters...

8 October 2023

I can take a new life journey
with a thankful and joyous heart

~ Terence ~

A family is posing for a picture on the side of the road.

Hi, everybody. My name is Terence. We have been in the UK for more than a year. About a year and a half ago, we had never thought of emigrating to the UK. We thanked God for His wonderful guidance and making known to me His will that my family of four members could make use of the BNO visa route to immigrate to the UK and settle down in Birkenhead.

After our arrival, we had to readjust ourselves to a new society in many aspects, such as the education of the children, the lifestyle, the living environment and the service in the church…etc.

Before having to confront so many new challenges, it was precious that in the first few months, for a while I could pursue God together with a group of brothers and sisters who love Him. In those days I attended some gatherings and got rich nourishment from God’s words that I felt my heart refreshed quite a lot.

When my own family were still adapting to the new environment, I realized that, like me, many Hong Kong immigrants would have a lot of needs and difficulties in adapting as well. So, I, together with a group of Christians, set up informative zoom meetings a few times for mutual encouragement and support among us. Through those occasions I have made some new friends and found that ‘to give is better than to take’. Being able to share with others what I know brings me happiness.   

For the past year and more in the UK, God’s grace has truly come in time and in abundance. I have never thought of having my children studying in a school with English as the medium of instruction, nor getting a job from a local person so that I can learn the English language at work. Through my job I have met quite a few English colleagues and friends, which enables me to receive income for my living as well as getting into the English world. There have still been a lot of God’s blessings in various scales that cannot be listed in detail.  

In the past year or so, our family realized more deeply what is said in the bible — the saying that ‘God works all things together for good for the ones who love Him.’ And we also experienced more deeply God’s personal love for us. It’s precious that in our life, we have God, who leads us and reigns. Therefore, every day, I stride on my new path in gratitude and delight

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